Monday, August 27, 2007

Aural sects

Check out my new Tunes

SeedForm Alpha
Dub step-y Glitch hop fest, Dirty Tub at it's Best

Inside The Human Heart
Mid Tempo Breaks. Booty bumpin. mind glitchin' love.

Healthy Life
Joulz and Rhythmstar Team up for this Phat Dead Prez Remix.

An Ambient excursion into sound and meditation.

She Sleeps
A Sound collage.

Enjoy the music
Send me some love

Myspace Music Page

Monday, June 04, 2007

Another Seed

From A dream I woke...Through time and space this seed has been planted in the fertile earth of my phyche.
Leaking into our local time/space reality.
We are witnessing and playing in a huge cosmic drama. We are as sleepers walking in the world, soon one by one and than all as one we shall open our eyes and see. We are not alone in this reality, we are looking for our allies and our enemies in the wrong places.
The ancients knew the secrets.
We have always united with these entities to our benefit and disaster. The choice is up to us, we have the ability to create the reality that we need.
Become a world shaper, realize the depth of your perception.
Only when we honor the gifts we have and utilize them will we open to this new reality. Ask yourself......
Why am I here?
What possible purpose do I have in this reality?
When am I going to begin on the path that my soul has laid out for me?
Now is the time to answer these questions
Now is the time to open and recieve the gift of humanity......
Sisters and Brothers, children and elders, open to your own truth.
I reflect the light that you hold and I am awed by what I see
Be well

Friday, May 18, 2007

Your Cosmic Destiny

Did you know that this message has traveled far and wide across the multiverse to reach your eyes in this matter what moment this happens to be for you......

You are shining light....radiating love and growth with every breath of life every step along the timeline......

Every culture and every race is connected by this truth under our skin and behind our skull.....Accept the responsibility of manifestating in this local reality by embracing your destiny to fufill the promise of your soul's gift to this reality.....
sometimes it is difficult to see the bigger picture, so please have faith that sometimes the actions that you are taking will have an incredible effect on others around you and in other realities and just breath and trust in your own self that has orchestrated your life to this very moment and will continue to guide you throughout your life..... listen closely to what spirit has to say and trust......above all trust and love........

we are unique beings of light woven from the fragments of the original tanscendental object. After the drama of our karma unfolds we will return to this state of pure light....

At this very moment you are connected to a network of pure light that carries subtle informaiton in much the same way that the internet carries media information......this vibrational info comes to us through our chakras and the more attuned we are to this subtle frequency the more that we are able to communicate and recieve from across the veil of matter, that illusion we all believe in......

until next time all you cosmonauts......

Om, shanti, shanti, shanti

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

hyperdimensional injection

Om Ganapati Namaha

some sunsets ago I had direct transmission from alternate realities and I was gifted with some names of forms that have not been manifested here on this reality yet in this timeframe/dimensional perspective...

We are constantly being offered chances to dance with multi dimensional beings that transcend out usual modes of perception. When we open to new ways of being and understand that as humans we have always played with these beings and they have guided us through many dimensional shifts.

Kiburzz and hasumph.... .hasaphrat...... these were the thoughforms that were injected into my mind. I was attempting to translate their information by applying words that I have never heard.....combinations of sounds that I have loaded in my brainpan already
divine names spoken by no tongue

we are worms of action travelling from our birth into our death when seen from a higher dimensional reality.....we see ourselves as slices in time because of how we experience timespace in the 3&4th the higher ones we can see the effects of real and possible actions in the local and non local dimensional frames.......with the time dilation higher realities make more sense......
hope this injects some positive seeds into your mindframe...... blossoming into timespaces everywhere........

leaking into reality through the cracks

---peace, love and light to your highest self.......
