Tuesday, September 13, 2005
What is it?
Every moment
As mind is made into matter
Watching between the moments
energy exchange
it’s all about being the fool
able to put mind/body/soul/pride/ego
on the line
and do it in time
give yourself
god come bring
forth your glory
fill me until I
sing through this vessel
bring us all
the quickening
thank you for
this gift
bring forth creation
every moment
born anew
every beat
drawn from within
begin to see the sight
witness the witness
watching the watcher
think the thinker
doing the doer
face the truth
every day
it’s your choice what to say
bring awareness online
boot up this moment
find the file called now
this is what we call hacking the brain
did you do your homework today?
Do you remember
What here is
How to feel
Taste smell
That glimmer in your eye
That smile on your tongue
In every ting you say
You find how blessed we are this day
To hold the moment
To guard the trust
Raise the child
Water the seedlings
The spirit don’ move thru dead meat ya’ hear
We are all flying, dancing, singing, loving, breathing beings
Let it move through you
Step aside now
Give up
Let the ghost in
Walk with me
Through this twilight
Move like a hunter in the night
Stalking soul food for you, your mate
The children
And your whole damn tribe
Let that sink in……..
Urban Blessing
letters build structures
a nourishing construct
Thoughts shared
new input
a new perspective
tell me a story
bring an offering
to the center of experience
breathe the sweet healing
a silent moment
a blessing from spirit
I am home
moonlight over desert sands.....
city lights winking in the night.....
a million paths crossing
a billion thoughts thinking
fingers feeling....
eyes seeing
ears hearing the sounds of this jungle
the din of a thousand movements
no silence in the jungle
unless you search it, hunt for it
stillness over a pond at 3am
a windswept rocky craig overlooking the ocean
inside the space between two sounds
this place
where life feed off of life....
energetic recycling
humanity's jungle
tall buildings reaching for the sky.....
ideas grow even larger
as new connections emerge
from old decaying structures
we have evolved
yet always we dance to natures rhythms
streets churning to the rhythm of urban life
< >
> <>
Time for a rhyme
I have a little bit of time
to fill your head with this rhyme
to communicate a sound
to make your head spin 'round
make your body get down, get down
elevate to instigate a change of range of expression
oh.. did I leave you guessin'
about what I stand for I stand for love......Love.....
do you have some to share
for the people out there
in your heart is where you got to start
to find the key, inside you, inside me
let's build a place
where peace resides
don't have to hide
you can open your heart
we can all start
and caring
bearing witness to it all
big event or small
hear His echo in the thunder
Hers in the rain
Claim to be present in class today
knowing that life needs you to keep flowin'
along with it.....strong with it.....
talkin' 'bout love.....
and one more just for kicks.......
Plunging into the center.....
In what context do I verbalize this vibe I feel in my heart
O.K., start this creative inception
read the subtext under the lies we whisper and shout day in and day out
leave the shit to the flies and realize
we are God
don't reach to find unwind your mind
dream your bliss, here and now
the neverending kiss, no fear.....
try this on for size do you surmise reality to be what you see?
what about thought that filter we create to feed us our fate in a flavor we like or are just used to
don't forget to feel what is real without your mind
to find the backstage of all the ragefull emotions we drink like potions
addicted we are to drowning in them
learn how to swim, navigate
never too late to begin you life
clairity cuts like a knife
plunging into the center
This Jar
I contemplate this jar, this container
this jar that may hold my future inside
is it paradise or limbo?
only if I open the jar will I know
but the suspense is too great
Until the moment arrives
I know not if I am the jar or if the jar is opening itself
the world of dreams brings with it new perspective
everything is the same but different
there are different rules to follow
different paths to walk
I know now that I am the jar AND the jar opened me
both are true in this world of dreams
time is no longer a straight road forever stretching into the horizon
time has slithered into a curved snake forever branching
treelike in it's form
I climb time to find my paradise
it is at the top somewhere
or is it in the journey?
Dancing with the darkness I found that my shadow is my partner
swiftly matching my motions
I know that my shadow knows me better than I know myself
The cup overflows
Ending all thirst
A gift everlasting
All agreements end
Submerged in god’s juice
From within tuned to a divine transmission
Let go
Give up control
It is just an illusion anyway
Why do you hold on?
When it hurts so much
Dive into the unknown
The eternal
The dream will end
There is always another excuse to hurt
Find yourself
In between the moments
Opening new eyes
Tasting the sweet necter of fullness
Where else is life
But now, here
Where else is bliss
but in life itself
accept your feelings
embrace the senses
open to the reality we have now
this, what you can sense
that is what we have to work with
ever widening perception
dive in
dig deeper
where is the self?
Where is your attention?
What are you sharing?
How can you be of service?
What is your goal?
Peace, unity, respect
she crawls inch by inch
out of her hiding place
a dusty hand woven basket
a mundane home for a magickal being
writhing intent
dancing to the sound of a blind player
tasting the air
a new age
a new dawn
love through the night
bringing the light
a single candle burns brightly
her shadow brings the end
she hovers over a sleeping form
eyes intent on the kill
dancing death's rhythm
trance in dance
gently pulling me down
under the tide
give up
opening to the moment
into infinity
a feeling, felt
accepted, know
thank you great spirit for this blessing
a glimpse of the other side
veil shifting
tapestry unraveling
quickly now
she comes
a guide across the threshold
a guardian of night's truth
the moon's glow
sparkle in the eye
sideways glance
affirm the action
give a silent prayer for death
she passed me by tonight
but waits
under every breath
under every step
behind every minute
making the most of our time here
in this place
living this moment to the fullest
drinking every last drop
knowing that life is a gift
given than taken away
express all that you can while you are here
to bring the whole of humanity
to the brink of a new age
a new era
creating this reality together
Cactus World
last night I lost my head in a shot glass
brown earth juice
Cactus blood
boiled down intensity
a night worth remembering
mind meld
liquids mix
they seperate
mixing again
an alchemical reaction
to a shamen's brew
as the line between this and that blurs
there is only intention
where did the "I" go?
there is only consciousness here
dancing in and out of awareness
there is only movement, change
working all the kinks out
a brain wash
a soul shower
a tragic circus
meat puppets vie for attention
where are your eyes tonight?
did I smell hunger?
why are you here?
did the music bring you or did she?
where are we?
heaven or hell
fullness or suffering
this place has changed since the last time I was here
more obsticles, more traps
is it O.K. to open here?
can we all accept the cards we are delt?
destiny's plan
Or do we call the power
shift the dream
reweave the tapestry
shape reality in our intention
and stand face to face with destiny
demanding another roll of the dice
betting everything tonight are we?
is that wise?
let's see about your soul
you did bring that tonight right?
Jaguar Softly
crch, crch, crsh
The sound of a Jaguar padding softly through a large open meadow
somehow he has found himself here in the meadow
away from the jungle that he lives
the dance is slower here, death hidden by the brush
this proud spirit stalks
with Silent certainty
He is looking for a partner
In this play
moving slowly, sinuously as only a feline can
testing the air........
faint smell of sweat......
in the hunt there is only patience and vigilance
waiting for that moment
when two paths cross
and a decision is made
one life for another
the strong overcoming the weak
nature's game
the theatre of life
neither tragedy or comedy but
necessity, beautiful efficient necessity
The silent shadow slips stealthily through the soft grasses
padded feet leaving only the whisper of drying grass
In another world there is a man sitting at a computer typing away
every once in a while he pauses, rereads the words and continues...........
In another space and time there is a person sitting at a computer reading the screen........
across all this distance a connection is formed
if only for seconds........ however long it takes to process, read, digest
this is a miracle
but no one mentions it
it is commonplace, an everyday occurrence
but the message
that is what
One Of A Kind
Just like you...........Like us all
this is the moment I wanted to share with you
Heart Strings
when they lose their elasticity
new energy brings loose strings.....
a connection that would survive in the strongest of winds....
plunging into the center of being
new colors bring new sensation....
new senses bring another world as
experience unfolds....
a lotus flower on a still lake
a cherry blossom falling silently under the full moon....summer time....
heart expands and enfolds everything, both being and thing...
i see across the great expanse of time and see that
we have a great struggle soon......
how do we survive our own nature?
and heal the wounds of our hatred......
how do we bring our brothers and sisters gently into this experience
this greater understanding.....
how do we love the disease enough to kill it.....
a society that loves it children and it elders.....
a thought that grows and brings new life to our race.....
a deep thought is floating in our universal consciousness...
I went fishing the other day....
is there enough for the world?
we must all fish........
and sing the same song.......
light everlasting
melody intertwining....love surrender devotion
A Spell
To dance
To dream
Looking through a dark mirror
A shade of color to dazzle the eyes
To dizzy the senses
Is that a door?
Piercing through
White, hot, shock
A fluttering touch
Fingertips brushing against my mind
I stand eye to eye
With the guardian of the gate
Stand you ground
prove your worth
the other side calls
like a lost lover
whispering molten silver
down my soul
there are no questions
only the twilight path
and all of it’s twists and turns
elder runs blaze
the power builds
the rite has begun
calling an ancient power
a spirit
the summoning
the time is neigh
the planets are aligned
a communion
brings forth a bridge
across worlds
the endless journey
a treasure more precious than gold
the alchemical formulae
to transmit mind into matter
will into form
the secret of the ages
under every moment
in the spaces between
the fabric of the universe
to powerful energetic motions
will into form
vibrating reality
the web spun by none other than grandmother spider herself
catching the signal
moments before it counts
with the flick of a wrist
a magic trick
pull the rabbit out of the hat
and stare delerium in the face
the low hum of the universe vibrating
What lies on the other side?
The unknown
And what about the mirror
The guardian
And what about the spell
And the web
Where did they go?
They went into the mystery
Behind the door on your left
Do you hear a knocking?
a day in the park
starting to realize the ultimate nature of this reality....
....all is brahman
there is no object
no this, that......
everything is one......
down a twisted path I ran into god....in the mirror
dancing the dream everlasting.......
...........or am I dreaming the dance?
a new life
hear the call of soul's destiny.....
weave unique vibrations through expression......love
I channeled a spirit, called by the shaman's brew that I had ingested and the drums
always the drums....
I know what it is like to be inside a womb of sound, nurtured by intention
born in the moment of now
surfing the vibrations of that magickal interaction between musician and crowd
the drummers and the people that wander into and through the park......
that spirit was powerful in ways that I thought deep in my heart to be myth.........
............. .....there is a power that is called when there is music
and there is an ancient power that is called when there is drums
................................................................................ the rhythms
they are like telescoping, slinky time dilations, sexy and sensual, sliding against my consciousness
seducing me, tempting me deeper
writhing wormholes phasing into
and out of
different timespace realities..............
a mad puppeteer......wrenching instinctual, powerful, graceful motions from the geometries of my body
beat beating into my heart/soul/feet/body/head/everything.........
I know that some of the people in the park that day saw something that they may never see again....
a dancing god.......
at times (I) felt a puppet to the power of the spirit.......at others a wonderful merging.....
a loss of self/other......
the beauty of a still leaf in the flurry of the hurricane
the witness watching
river flowing
I know now what has always existed in the teachings
mere words until now
I have experienced that which can not be written, read, explained, or looked for
can I ever be the same?
this experience is so unique.....
we can one time in our life be totally unsure why to continue
and yet one day we find ourselves floating in the sea of infinite bliss
dancing with the beloved
just for today remain peaceful
just for today remain calm
honor your parents, teachers, elders, and ancestors
give gratitude to every living thing
earn your living honestly
pray for the healing of all humanity